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Welcome to Detoxify and Nourish - a place for body, mind and soul health.

My name is Sacha Hooper, I’m a wife and mother of 2 and I’m here to share with you my passion for holistic health.

My journey in wellness started in 2016 after a health awakening experience with my thyroid. From this point on I became really interested in looking after my health as well as the health of my family, and the ways that I could move from suffering to thriving. And I did!

Over the years, I have realised that sustainable health requires a holistic approach in looking at our 4 main bodies – physical, mental, emotional and energetic – and bringing all these parts back into balance.


I welcome you on this journey to wellness. It’s a wild ride at times, but so very rewarding. My life experience has guided me to where I am today, and I am here to share my learnings and help guide you back to holistic health and well-being.