Benefits of Magnesium


Did you know that magnesium …

Helps with soooo much of your body’s functions.

It can:

  • reduce muscle inflammation

  • ease muscles cramps / restless legs

  • reduce stress and anxiety

  • calm the nervous system

  • promote relaxation

  • help with restful sleep

  • reduce snoring

  • reduce period pain

  • support the heart

  • support the immune system

  • regulate blood sugar levels

A magnesium deficiency can occur from our modern industrialised farming practices which deplete our soil of important nutrients like magnesium. Stress, processed sugar, alcohol and the regular use of prescription medication can also cause our bodies to use magnesium faster.

So an easy way to increase your levels and sleep better, feel calmer and function with ease, is to use magnesium oil topically. Currently I love the ‘Salt Lab’ Magnesium Spray (I’ll pop a link below). You can also make magnesium spray yourself and it’s super simple to make.

Magnesium Oil Spray

50g Magnesium Chloride Flakes

50ml Distilled Water

Essential oils of Lavender & Frankincense (optional)


Boil the water, add the flakes, stir until melted. Pour into a 100ml mist bottle. You could also add 10 drops of Lavender essential oil and 10 drops Frankincense essential oil to further support your body. Simply spray around 6 times onto your sore muscles, tummy or feet to support your cellular magnesium levels. The feet are a good place to start as sometimes the magnesium can feel a bit stingy if our levels are low.

Adding foods like spinach, avocado, pumpkin seeds, bananas, cashews, tofu and quinoa into your diet will also help your magnesium levels.

Soaking in a bath with Magnesium flakes is also a wonderful way to absorb magnesium. Add a few drops of essential oils like lavender or aroma touch to help calm and soothe your body. A big tub of magnesium flakes can be found at Costco.

I use the following brand to buy my Magnesium Oil Spray

Sacha x

detoxify and nourish