Which Salt is Best?


Did you know that salt …

Helps your body to function properly because natural salt like Celtic Salt is full of minerals as it comes straight from the sea. Celtic salt contains around 80 minerals, just like the ocean. It is full of potassium, magnesium and electrolytes which are essential for the human body. Celtic salt helps with muscle and nerve function, ph balance and alkalinity in the body. An alkaline body is a healthy body which can prevent disease and something we want to aim for, as a highly acidic body encourages a a breeding ground for bacteria and cancers.

Natural salt like Himalayan or Sea salt (not the high sodium salt found in processed foods) are great options too as they are closest to their natural state. They haven’t been processed, heat treated or bleached like table salt.

Table salt is commonly found in restaurants, fast food and processed foods as it’s cheap. It often contains synthetic chemicals like anti-caking agent, aluminium and bleach to get that white colour. Table salt has no nutritional value (unlike natural salt which contains about 80 minerals the body needs) and should be avoided where possible as it often leads to increased blood pressure as the heart tries hard to move the toxic elements of the processed salt away from it - this is why people with high blood are told to avoid salt. Often not told to just avoid the processed salts and swap for the natural salts which are very good for your health.

Natural salt is also great for removing toxins - just like a salt body scrub. It is great for digestion, great for the heart, essential for preventing muscle cramps, helps balance hormones and is a natural antihistamine.

Find yourself a quality brand like and then use the salt in your cooking or add a few grains to your water for a natural electrolyte drink. Celtic salt contains iodine too, which is essential for a healthy thyroid function.

I use the following brand to buy my Celtic Sea Salt but you can buy it at your local health food store too.

Sacha x

detoxify and nourish