Benefits of Bentonite Clay


Benefits of Bentonite Clay

Bentonite Clay is a powdered clay that is full of minerals.

It has many uses and was widely used in the ancient cultures because it has so many benefits to the body.

Over the weekend I was bitten by a bull ant at my son’s soccer and the pain and swelling that occurred immediately was next level. When I got home, I mixed a little Bentonite Clay and water together and applied it over the bite. After 10 min I washed it off and carried on with life. As I was driving my daughter to dance shortly after, I was telling her about my ant bite, and I looked down at my leg to show her and the swelling and redness and throbbing had completely gone. I had a small patch of pinkness but that was it!

Even my husband was shocked how much it had improved.

Bentonite Clay is such an easy natural addition to your medicine cupboard to have and can be purchased at any health food store. A simple paste like I made can be applied on any bite or sting to draw the toxin out of the area. You could add a drop of essential oil like lavender and tea tree to the paste too to enhance its skin calming & antibacterial benefits. We all know that how wonderful and effective a clay face mask is for helping acne and any skin rash, so using it elsewhere on your skin makes sense too.

Organic Food Grade Bentonite Clay can (in small amounts like 1 tsp) be taken internally to help relieve digestive issues and bind to toxins / viruses / heavy metals in the body. It’s great for heartburn & acid reflux as it helps balance the ph of the body. (Always check quantities with a health practitioner😉).

Bathing in warm water with Epsom salts, Bentonite clay and essential oils helps draw toxins out from the skin. This combination is a product I create (called ‘Detox’ bath salts) and is available in my shop Detox Bath Salts

The skin is the largest pore on the body and needs to be able to breathe. When clogged air pollution, chemicals from sunscreen and body products, it can’t sweat and eliminate properly so it’s important to support it & you easily & effectively.

We only get this 1 body to journey through this life together, so let’s support it as naturally as we can so it can begin to thrive with health

Sacha Hooperbentonite clay