

How to get the most nutrition out of your daily cup …

When choosing what coffee to drink, there are a few things to consider;

  1. Buy on organic coffee bean and grind your own. This only takes a fraction of time and can become a beautiful morning ritual of mindfulness. Although the pod style coffee is convenient, it has to be extracted through the aluminum cover before it reaches your cup. Ever get that metallic taste afterwards? This is why. Aluminum is also highly toxic to the brain.

  2. Buy already ground organic coffee or look for options at your local cafes when you are out and about.

  3. Skip adding refined sugars and try adding some natural coconut sugar instead as this will lower your chances of a blood sugar spike.

  4. If using milk, try to avoid dairy. Dairy milk is heavily processed and can reduce the health benefits of your morning cup. Plant-based milks like coconut, almond or oat are best.

Coffee in it’s organic purest form is free from pesticides and herbicides. Which means, it’s not adding anything toxic into your body or bloodstream. Food sprayed with pesticides can lead to a toxic buildup and negatively effect the endocrine system, which can lead to inflammation, skin issues and gastro intestinal problems.

Coffee is full of antioxidants and vitamins such as B1, B2, B5, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Coffee can elevate mood, increase energy and stimulate the intestines, which is great first thing in the morning to help clear the body of toxic waste.

If you worry about caffeine, then please know that natural caffeine found in coffee balances the delivery into your bloodstream, and releases feel good feelings. Unlike, synthetic caffeine (found in some sports drinks and fizzy drinks) which creates instant highs and horrible sugar crashes while also being highly toxic to the body and can trigger the nervous system to go into chaos. This is because this type of cheap synthetic caffeine is generally exposed to harsh chemicals during production.

In our modern day, drinking coffee has become a social ritual. When consumed the way the people drank it thousands of years ago, in it’s organic form, it has many health benefits. Today, the cultivation of the many crops to keep our cups full, has sadly led to a move away from organic in an effort to mass produce. With mass production though, comes mass growing, mass spraying, mass harvesting then mass transportation, all lessening the quality and integrity of the bean. If you are looking for organic coffee beans or organic coffee grinds, you can find them at most supermarkets.

In regards to how much coffee one should drink…

Always listen to your own body