
If you’ve ever heard the term ‘grounding’, then this is how you do it. You simply put your bare feet on the earth, the grass, the sand, the rocks and allow your body to soak up the earths natural energy.

When your body becomes stressed, anxious, overwhelmed from life, maybe from the buildings we work in with fluro lightning and air conditioning, or from toxic people and situations, then head outside, kick those shoes off and stand or lay on the grass (make sure your shoes and socks are off). You may like to notice all that’s around you & use your senses or sight, smell and sound to help positively shift your state of mind. This is great for kids to do too.

This technique has been scientifically proven to help reduce stress and inflammation in the body, calm the nervous system and improve your overall well-being.

🌏There is a world of wellness right at our feet👣

#naturetherapy #grounding #healthandwellnessjourney #vitality #reducestressandanxiety #mindbodysoulconnection #earthsenergy