How to Support Your Thyroid


Things to know about an underactive thyroid …

Can you relate to having:
•cold hands and feet
•general cold body temp
•thinning hair
•thinning eyebrows
•tired all the time
•putting on weight
•slower metabolism
•joint and muscle pain

The thyroid can become imbalanced & disregulated when we:
• live in a constant state of stress
•have suffered from trauma
•don’t sleep adequately
•don’t consume enough wholesome plantbased food
•exercise too much and not doing supportive exercise in relation to our monthly cycles
•are on other medication and or birth control pills

Iodine is a key nutrient needed for a regulated thyroid. Seaweed is a great option as is liquid iodine.

Foods that can support a healthy thyroid function include:
•Brazil nuts for selenium
•Spirulina + greens
•B vitamins - think sweet potatoes, avocado, brocolli, bananas, nuts, seeds, legumes, nutritional yeast
•Vitamin D - get out in the sunshine or add a supplement in the winter as this feel good vitamin also keeps us healthy

Essential oils that can help support a healthy thyroid are:
I have a blend (available on my website in the shop called Thyroid Health) that incorporates all of these beautiful oils to nurture and support the thyroid.

If you need a thyroid test then ask them to check your T3 & T4 levels as well as the ‘normal’ TSH test to give you a better understanding and awareness of the health of your very important little gland 🦋

I have turned the health of my thyroid around by incorporating holistic changes in my life.

The above is not medical advice ~ but it may just help you.

Sacha x

Pineapple is great to nourish and support the thyroid to detoxify