Vegetable Dumpling Soup

Prep. Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 10min
Serves: 4


• 2 L Filtered Water

• 4 Tbsp Vege Stock Paste

• 1 x 8 pack Vegetable Dumplings (frozen)

• 1 serve Udon Noodle

• 1 Carrot

• 4 florets Broccoli

• 2 Bok Choy


• Chili Flakes



Peel long strips of carrot and slice broccoli into small pieces. Place into a steamer and steam until almost soft.

In a large saucepan, add the water and vege stock paste and bring to a boil.

Add noodles and frozen dumplings. Reduce the heat to med - low and cook for 5 MIN.

Add the steamed vegetables and bok choy. Simmer for 2 MIN.

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Remove from the heat and serve into bowls. Garnish with chili flakes.


Any leftovers can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days.

You could use 2 x 1L liquid vegetable stock in replacement of the water and stock paste.