Benefits of Energy and Sound Healing


What is energy …

Energy is the lifeforce that flows through us, also known as chi. Sometimes our energy / chi can get blockages and cause stress and tension in the body.

How does energy healing (Reiki) work …

Energy Healing (Reiki) is known to promote harmony and balance in the mind and body. It can help release physical and mental stress, reduce fatigue, enhance mental clarity and physical healing as the body settles into rest and digest or self healing mode.

What does it feel like …

During a session, the therapist gently places their hands on different areas of the body to support your overall well-being.

Most people feel a sence of peace, a calm mind and relaxed body. You may also feel a nurturing warmth flowing from the therapists hands.

What is sound healing …

Sound Healing involves the playing of different vibrational instruments such as sound bowls and chimes. These instruments send sound waves through your body, recalibrating and restoring the flow of energy.

How does sound healing work…

Sound frequencies, like music can promote deep rest, balance the nervous system and help release emotions such as stress and anxiety. When our energetic body is balanced, the physical body’s natural healing ability are enhanced.

Is an energy and sound Healing session for me …

When we experihnce stress, illness, injury or emotional trauma, our life force energy and immune system can as a result, get depleted. Energy and Sound can help to rebalance and regulate the body. It is nurturing, effective, safe and used to promote wellness within the body.

Follow the link to book an Reiki ~ Oils ~ Sound session today💗

Nurture You

Sacha x

detoxify and nourish